Tax ID|NPI|SERVICES|DESCRIPTION|REVENUE CODES|RATES|Notes 51-0141601|1043311715|Inpatient|All Inpatient|100-209|52% of Billed Charges|All Fees are exclusive of physician fees. 51-0141601|1043311715|Inpatient|Step-down to Sub-Acute Inpatient Room & Board|191-194|52% of Billed Charges|All Fees are exclusive of physician fees. 51-0141601|1043311715|Day Program|All Day Program Level of Care Services|"931|932"|$800.00 Per Diem|All Fees are exclusive of physician fees. 51-0141601|1043311715|Physician Fees|All Physician Services||2022 Fee Schedule 60001 |"Physician Providers rendering services to Eligible Persons| and reimburesed per the Fee Schedule 60001 shall bill for said services under facility TIN 51-0141601" 51-0141601|1043311715|Outpatient |All Outpatient Services||Allow 60% of Billed Charges|All Fees are exclusive of physician fees.